What's Abstract Management And Why Do You Need An Online Abstract Management Tool?
Abstract Management
As more conferences and events incorporate abstract submissions and presentations, finding the appropriate abstract management software is as important as ever for event planners. An abstract, in regards to event organizing, is a brief summary often submitted by an author to review their work. This submission can range from a short paper of 500 words to a poster submission. In most cases, these abstracts are reviewed by a committee or individual to determine if the abstract should be accepted to later be presented in full during the conference. With most conferences, no one is the same and due to this, it is important to review the abstract management system options to find the most flexible. By finding the most flexible, this will allow to use the same abstract management software over multiple events.
What is abstract management?
Abstract management is utilized by many event managers in the event industry to set submission guidelines, collect submission, assign reviewers and many more aspects. As previously mentioned, no two events are the same and because of this, online abstract management software must be flexible. The abstract managing software should allow to set all necessary guidelines for submissions which should be determined when planning an event. Collecting submissions is the next key topic for event planners to consider. Once submitted by participants, how will the submissions be stored and displayed? The event manager should have the ability to see all submissions as well as filter these by the individual guidelines set. For special event managers, assigning reviewers is a major requirement from the conference abstract management software. By assigning reviewers, abstracts are easily decided and made ready for presentation day. The abstract management system should also allow for submitters to see notes by reviewers and can often have the option of multiple submissions which can be done after reading reviewer reviews.
What does conference abstract management software do?
Conference abstract management software allows event organizers to streamline the abstract section of their event. There is a wide range of free abstract management software as well as paid but as abstracts can be such a large challenge for event companies, finding the best abstract software is key. By using an abstract management system, event planners can use a single platform to collect all information whereas without an abstract management software, event coordinators would need reach out to individual authors and collect their submission as well as distribute these abstracts manually to be reviewed.
How to use online abstract management software?
As there are many event management companies that offer abstract management, finding the one with the most flexibility and that offers the most additional features is necessary for event planning. Once deciding on the abstract management software, going through the features and becoming as familiar as possible will improve the abstract management during the live event increase the efficiency of time management as well.
If you are considering abstract management for your events, sign up for a demo today to see how MeetingHand's abstract management feature can enhance your next event at a fraction of the cost other event management software offers.