Automate Your Tedious Conference Organizing Processes Like a BOSS!
With the advent of technology, several softwares have been developed to help conference organizers automate a vast number of their tedious tasks. Besides its offer of convenience, automation in conference management has been valuable in saving time, cutting costs as well as the hard efforts and labour usually needed. In more details, automation has optimized the following processes in conference management:
Collection of information, registrations, payments and documents
Several conference management softwares on the market offer an all-in-one, customizable registration form through which conference organizers can collect any information they need from their participants, as well as payments and documents where necessary. This feature alone saves conference organizers plenty of time and taxing manual labour.
Be it to send invitations and marketing emails or to notify participants with last minute changes pertaining to the conference, several conference management softwares offer a selection of email templates to their users as well as the ability to customize them and have them ready for automatic dissemination at the time and day of their choosing. Advanced softwares also offer their users the ability to send push notifications to their participants' mobile devices for speedy communication – a feat conference organizers have long struggled with due to the almost impossible nature of communicating last minute with hundreds, if not thousands of participants.
Quota Management
As opposed to carrying around a list to concurrently crosscheck the number of your current participants against the participation quota your conference allows; conference management softwares systematically keep track of your participants' information and alert you when your conference registration is at capacity – all in a clear and swift manner.
Generating documents, reports, lists, invoices, letters and more
There are several documents conference organizers need to keep updated and handy for quick use when needed such as reports and lists of participants – inclusive of their details, visa letters, certifications of attendance as well as invoices. With advanced tools offered by conference management softwares, all of the above documents are autogenerated within seconds and are available for instant viewing or dissemination.